
신뢰할 수 있는 방청 품질관리 솔루션

연구 사례

VCI 기화성 방청비닐 와 VCI 기화성 방청지 장단점


VCI film and VCI paper are both effective in preventing corrosion on metal surfaces, but they both have some benefits and shortcomings.
Benefits of GreenVCI Film:
Durable: VCI film is tougher than VCI paper and can handle more wear and tear. It is also more capable of withstanding humidity, high temperatures, and other environmental conditions
Improved protection: VCI film can be spread out over large metal components or machinery to provide full coverage, providing more protection than paper
Long-term storage: VCI film is appropriate for long-term storage of metal parts, which makes it perfect for businesses where parts are not used regularly

Shortcomings of GreenVCI film:
Cost: Usually, VCI film is pricier than VCI paper in general.
Less flexible: VCI film is not as flexible as VCI paper and may not be suitable for wrapping small or oddly-shaped pieces.

Benefits of GreenVCI Paper:
Budget-friendly: VCI paper is generally more affordable than VCI film.
Handy: VCI paper is effortless to work with and can be wrapped around components of any form or dimension.
Pliable: VCI paper is more pliable than VCI film, making it perfect for wrapping up small or oddly-shaped elements.
Shortcomings of GreenVCI Paper:
Less sturdy: VCI paper is not as enduring as film and could not be suitable for long-term storage or transport of metal parts.
Less coverage: VCI paper may not provide as much coverage as VCI film, as it may not totally encompass the metal parts.