
The World-Class Anti-Corrosion & Quality Control Solution You Can Trust



Korea Procurement G-PASS Award


On June 30, 2022, GreenVCI R&D Co., Ltd. attended an award ceremony hosted by the Korea Procurement Office, where they received the 'G-Pass (Government Performance Assured) Company Recognition Award of 2022' presented by Lee Jong-uk, the Head Officer of the procurement promoting agency.

The award, established in 2013, acknowledges companies with exceptional innovation in R&D and prior export success. Its purpose is to support these recognized companies with specialized and targeted services, to encourage further excellence in export performance and research & development, particularly in acquiring overseas procurement contracts.

Press Release (KRN): https://eiec.kdi.re.kr/policy/materialView.do?num=227568&topic=&pp=20&datecount=&recommend=&pg=